When a new DokuWiki version is released, some of the files that were needed previously may become obsolete. Keeping these files is harmless usually but they might pose a security risk or break installations later, so we recommend to delete them.
A list of all files that were removed in recent releases can be found in data/deleted.files
. You should check if they still exist in your install. If they do, delete them.
You can also see the current list at https://github.com/splitbrain/dokuwiki/raw/stable/data/deleted.files
Important the list of files is case-sensitive. On case-insensitive file systems the scripts below may delete too much!
People with shell access to their server can use a script to automatically delete all old files.
This simple line should work on any Linux system
<code>grep -Ev '^($|#)' data/deleted.files | xargs -n 1 rm -vf </file>
Some systems may not support the “rm -d” option for directory removal. In that case, you have to use recursive removal (just be sure to double-check that the file list does not include any paths that will delete too much):
<code>grep -Ev '^($|#)' data/deleted.files | xargs -n 1 rm -fr </file>
Here's a Python script that will also print the files deleted
<code>import os for line in open(“./data/deleted.files”):
if line.isspace() or line[0] == '#': continue line = line.rstrip(os.linesep) try: if os.path.exists(line): print('File removed => ' + line) os.remove(line) except OSError: pass
Here's an alternative Python script that is case sensitive and will also delete directories included in the list
<code>import os import shutil
def exists_casesensitive(path):
if not os.path.exists(path): return False directory, filename = os.path.split(path) return filename in os.listdir(directory)
with open(“./data/deleted.files”) as file:
for line in file: line = line.strip() if line and not line.startswith('#'): path = line.rstrip(os.linesep) if exists_casesensitive(path): if os.path.isdir(path): shutil.rmtree(path) print('Directory removed => ' + path) else: os.remove(path) print('File removed => ' + path) else: #print('File not found => ' + path) pass
Here's a Ruby script doing the same
<code>files = File.read(“./data/deleted.files”).split(“\n”).grep(/^[^$#]/)
files.each do |file|
puts "Deleting #{file}." File.delete(file) rescue puts $!
end </file>
The same for PHP:
<code><?php /* Security function, comment this out to “activate” the script. */ exit('Check source');
$path = getcwd();
if(file_exists($path . '/data/deleted.files')) {
$file = [[http://www.php.net/fopen|fopen]]($path . '/data/deleted.files', 'r'); while(false !== ($line = [[http://www.php.net/fgets|fgets]]($file))) { $line = [[http://www.php.net/trim|trim]]($line); if(![[http://www.php.net/empty|empty]]($line) && ![[http://www.php.net/preg_match|preg_match]]('/^\#/', $line) && [[http://www.php.net/file_exists|file_exists]]($path . '/' . $line)) { [[http://www.php.net/unlink|unlink]]($path . '/' . $line); echo '/' . $line . ' - deleted<br/>'; } } echo 'Done!';
} </file>
Here's a one-line powershell script doing the same
<code>Get-Content .\data\deleted.files | Where-Object {$_ -notmatch '^($|#)' -and (Test-Path $_ )} | Foreach-Object {Remove-Item -path $_ -Force -Recurse} </file>
Here's a one-line Windows's CMD script doing the same, although you may need to first reverse all the slashes in 'deleted.files' for the filenames to be accepted.
<code>for /F %i in ('findstr /R /V /C:“^#” /C:“^$” data\deleted.files') do del “%i” </file>